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Welcome to Mayville and thank you for your interest in the City of Mayville's "River Knoll Industrial Park".

After you have had an opportunity to review the information provided on the Industrial Park, the staff at City Hall would be more than happy to meet with you to answer any questions you may have.

Also on file, are a favorable soil boring report, topographic mapping, water / wastewater system information, as well as Master Plan information which you may find beneficial. Please contact us if you wish to obtain copies of this information.

River Knoll Industrial Park is located in the Tax Incremental Financing District established by the City of Mayville. We are able to reduce the sale price of land if there is a sufficient tax base generated.

Land costs can be as little as one dollar per acre if you construct a building with a value of $225,000.00 per acre of property acquired.

This value generally has proven to be met by the typical industrial metal building with some masonry as required by the covenants.

Property within the Industrial Park can also be divided to meet your needs.

For the benefit of the occupants of River Knoll Industrial Park, the City of Mayville has placed lighted signage at the southeast entrance to the Park, adjacent to STH 28/67 to provide easy identification for your place of business.

In addition to the City's Industrial Park, Mayville has recently seen subdivision construction completed on the west side that offers a full range of residential property. New residential subdivision development is also occurring at the northwest and southeast corner of the City. Older residential neighborhoods are well kept and reflect well on attitudes and work ethic of our citizenry. Employees who may want to locate here should have an ample supply of housing possibilities.

Also attractive to future residents, is the very generous donation from the Bachhuber Foundation (Ted and Grace Bachhuber). We are in the building phase for a 43,000 square foot recreational facility that will house an Aquatic Center with a leisure pool and lap pool, gymnasium, suspended track, and a fitness center. This facility is scheduled to be open in August 2002.

Names, addresses and phone numbers of the staff and representatives are listed below should you have specific questions or desire more information.

Thank you again for considering River Knoll Industrial Park as your place of business. The City of Mayville and its staff look forward to working with you.

City of Mayville Contacts:

Nicholas ChikowskiMayor Rob BoelkNichole DeBaker
City EngineerMayorComptroller/Treasurer
920-387-7906 x 1223920-387-7900 x 1205920-387-7900 x 1224
P O Box 273P O Box 273P O Box 273
Mayville, WI 53050Mayville, WI 53050Mayville, WI 53050





City of Mayville - River Knoll
In accordance with its Master Plan, the City of Mayville has developed the River Knoll Industrial Park to assist existing industry with expansion needs and to attract new industrial businesses to the City. The creation of a Tax Incremental Finance District (TIF) by the City makes land acquisition attractive from an economic view as well as defines the flexibility of the City of Mayville and their value for a solid base of diverse businesses within the community.
River Knoll Industrial Park consists of lot sizes ranging from two to fifty acres based on client need. All parcels are divisible.
Utilities/Other Amenities
ElectricAt property line - Alliant Utilities
GasAt property line - Alliant Utilities
Street LightingMunicipal
TopographySlightly rolling

The Park is zoned M-2, General Manufacturing District. Restrictive covenants exist to protect future property values.??

Long Term Plan
In 1999, the City of Mayville updated its Master Plan incorporating growth and development vision for the community to the year 2010 and beyond. The Master Plan analyzes value and development in several areas, including but not limited to economy, residential opportunity, natural environment and location, community character, public service and utilities, education and cultural enrichment.

Local property tax rates for the City of Mayville for the past three years are listed below. Property Tax Rates are based on $1,000.00 of assessed value. The current assessment ratio is 84.3%.
Tax Year 1999
Tax Year 2000
Tax Year 2001
Tax Year 2002
Tax Year 2003
Tax Year 2004

Sale Price
Land costs can be as little as one dollar per acre if building construction value is $225,000 per acre of property acquired.

Other Comments
River Knoll Industrial Park is centrally located. There is easy access off Hwy V from Hwy 28 & Hwy 67. Fully improved sites ready for construction. For the benefit of the occupants of the Park, the City of Mayville has placed lighted signage at the southeast entrance to the Park, adjacent to Hwy 28/Hwy 67 to provide easy identification for your place of business.

City Attractions

Recent subdivision construction completion on the City's west side, along with new residential subdivision development at the northwest and southeast corners of the City, offers a wide range of residential property. Residential neighborhoods are well kept and reflect on the attitudes and work ethics of our citizenry. Employees who may want to locate here should have an ample supply of housing possibilities. Also attractive to future residents, is the generous donation from the Bachhuber Foundation (Ted and Grace Bachhuber). The TAG Center is scheduled to open in August 2002. This 43,000 square foot recreational facility will house an Aquatic Center with a leisure pool, lap pool, gymnasium, suspended walking/jogging track, and a fitness center.