Assessment Inquires
The City of Mayville contracts the services of Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc of Appleton to provide Assessment of all City Property. Manufacturing Assessments are completed by the State of Wisconsin.
If you have questions or concerns regarding your assessment of your property, please contact Associated Appraisal at 800-721-4157.
Assessment Information can be accessed on the Associated Appraisal Website. http://www.apraz.com/.
Select Property Search from the left side of the page, then select Dodge County, and click on City of Mayville.You can then search by parcel # or by street address.
Dog & Cat Licenses
No person shall own or keep any dog or cat more than five (5) months of age without obtaining a license from the City of Mayville. Sections 174.05 to 174.9, Wis. Stats., shall apply to licensing of dogs. The licensing year is January 1 to December 31.
Residents are reminded to please bring along your current rabies vaccination papers when licensing your dog or cat.
Licenses are available by mail. Please send a copy of your rabies vaccination papers along with your payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Your license and vaccination papers will be mailed back to you.
License Fees:
Spayed or Neutered $13.00
Unspayed or Unneutered $23.00
If you do not license your dog or cat before March 31, you will be assessed a $10 late charge.
Pet Fancier License
If you own 4 or more dogs/cats, you must purchase a Pet Fancier License for $10.
For further information, please contact the Comptroller/Treasurer - 920-387-7900 x1207.
Special Assessment Inquiries
Please contact the Comptroller/Treasurer for Special Assessment Information - 920-387-7900 x1207.
Property Tax Payments
- Mail Tax Payments to City of Mayville-Treasurer, P O Box 273, Mayville, WI 53050. If you would like a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed stamped return envelope.
- Use the drop box located in East parking lot at City Hall. If receipt is needed, s stamped, self-addressed envelope is required.
- Pay in person at City Hall. Hours are 8:00 am to Noon, 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
- Escrow Refunds will be mailed to the property owner within 10 business days.
- Escrow Checks - Please make sure to sign the back of the check.
- Pay Online - https://www.officialpyaments.com/index.jsp (Please be aware Official payments does charge a convenience fee of 2.75%.
Real Estate Taxes
1st Installment is payable to the City of Mayville-Treasurer by January 31.
Full Payments are payable to the City of Mayville-Treasurer by January 31.
2nd Installment is payable to the Dodge County Treasurer by July 31.
Mailing Address:
Dodge County Treasurer
127 East Oak Street
Juneau, WI 53039
Questions concerning your tax bill after January 31 may be directed to the Dodge County Treasurer's Office 920-386-3782.
Personal Property Taxes
Full Payment is due to the City of Mayville-Treasurer by January 31.
Late Payments
If you are late in paying your taxes, you will be charged a penalty and interest charge by Dodge County. The interest starts on February 1 and accumulates at a rate of one percent per month. In addition, Dodge County imposes an additional penalty of one-half percent per month. Please contact the Dodge County Treasurer's Office with questions about late payments. 920-386-3782.